Some ramblings.
(newest at the bottom)



You think you understand, hmm?
And here we go again.
When you die.
I can't take this.
I miss you.
Pissed off.
The cure.
Separation anxiety.
I want to know why.
I don't want this.
This carpet is mine.
Maybe it's better this way.
Someone had to go this far.
There's a thin line between Heaven and Hell I.
There's a thin line between Heaven and Hell II.

Languages are your best friend.
The theory of six steps.
Give me a call.
Friends they come, friends they go.
School trouble.
The Dead.
Hairdresser angst.
The damnation of life.
Ponder this
Dairyland, dairyland...
Real-life Frasiers and other kinds of depression.
Cell phones.
The way it goes (the beginning of ... ).

