I've encountered familiar people in the most interesting places lately.

Now, I read a theory of six steps a few days back. It basically consist of the fact that you can meet anyone anywhere in the world by through just six steps (steps meaning in this case contacts with people. For example, you wan to know Maz who lives in germany. So we start with Günter Grass. I don't know him but my aunt's husbad knows someone who does. So that's two steps and we're in Germany already. So Max goes to school. His teacher has a cousin who bought Grass' new book and got an autograp at the same time. Max-his teacher-the teacher's cousin-Grass-my aunt's husband's friend-my aunt's husband. That's six steps. It can be shorter of course but this is the example I nicked from the mag).

So I'm not really surprised to find out that Equin0x whose page I've been reading knows Heidi. He had a link to her page. Now, I've been to her page earlier because someone else I know knows someone who also knows her and has a link to her page. But still, it's a small world, really. Jesus.

Interestingly enough, I tend to bump into same people on different newsgroups. For example, one guy from alt.support.social-phobia reads at least two of the same groups I do. I don't know him but I know it's him. The same has happened two other times this week. I spot familiar names (and paths) on different newsgroups.

Then a totally irrelevant question. If I regularly check about 20 different diaries on the 'net, why is it that only two of them bother to update even somewhat regularly? Why, oh why? Am I missing something?

