Lessons Learnt from life
Scribbled down on Tuesday, 16 August 2005 17:32:43 PM
These are the lessons I have learnt from my (hopefully) short period in this locked box. God thought he had a circus untill animals started escaping out of the cage. Anyway.

  1. Lesson One

  2. Breathing is something you do everyday. Twenty-four seven precisely.

  3. Lesson Two

  4. You have to share air, with criminals, bastards, fuckers, rapers, bitches. Everyone you hate and despise. You breathe in the air they've exhaled. I bet I have you in me right now.

  5. Lesson Three

  6. People are always interfering, no matter what. They always know exactly how your life should look like, even the little dots. Things they actually should pay attention to, they don't really pay attention to (like theirself). Yes, we keep ourself busy with what we shouldn't be busy with.

  7. Lesson Four

  8. Everyone can be a secretive liar. Everyone is two-faced. They have to. If they are straight to the point, you'll have your tongue cut out. We lie everyday. Not just me. We lie everyday to survive. We have to lie everyday so we can survive.

  9. Lesson Five

  10. Diversity is a curse. Dare to be different and you will be suffocated in your sleep. They will strangle you. We will be happy when we all have the same red hair and dirty orange trousers. No, we all should be clones for there can be happiness.

  11. Lesson Six

  12. Women are idiots. At least, men want them to be. Women must spread theirself open and close as a jar and as carpet for the man to be happy. Pray for your baby to be a boy, though he may turn out to be a complete bastard and make you bend down to lick his feet clean.

  13. Lesson Seven

  14. We learn by copying each other. I definitely have. I only did something when others did it. If I do something others don't do, I will be laughed at. I will be weird. That's lesson eight already. We are only relieved, when we do something others do. That means we are 'safe'. That means no problems.

  15. Lesson Eight

  16. You can't be weird, or else you will be satanic or demonic. Check previous lessons.

  17. Lesson Nine

  18. This is a contradictive sphere, where everyone lives the life they don't want to live. Everything that shouldn't happen, happens. And what should happen, doesn't. Think of evil people being admired or confided in and those who try to bring justice and equality (Martin Luther King), are being killed.

  19. Lesson Ten

  20. Praise the demon, kill the baby, that's the motto of an earthling.

  21. Lesson Eleven

  22. Do everything but don't kill yourself. If you hate yourself and humans so much, yet you are forced to spend life with them untill your clock stops ticking by itself. Otherwise you can not die. I suggest you: lie.

  23. Lesson Twelve

  24. A lie can only save you, the truth will have you killed. Literally.

  25. Lesson Thirteen

  26. A random act of kindness is a backstab.

  27. Lesson Fourteen

  28. Money rules the world. Without it you can get fucked. No one loves you. Money means priority.

  29. Lesson Fifteen

  30. Without a good look, you will not be accepted in a community. Beauty is a must so your neighbour can have sweet dreams with you in his pants, I mean bed. At night.

  31. Lesson Sixteen

  32. Looking is wrong.

  33. Lesson Seventeen

  34. God sleeps when he's on the phone with you.

  35. Lesson Eighteen

  36. Words are knives. You can carve something nice in the tree (a heart), but you can pierce through a warm pounding heart of a human with it too.

  37. Lesson Nineteen

  38. Love is situated in your undies.

  39. Lesson Twenty

  40. Tomorrow never dies unless you do something about it.

  41. Lesson Twenty-one

  42. Conformity is slavery.

  43. Lesson Twenty-two

  44. You're only popular with anorexia

  45. Lesson Twenty-three

  46. Everyday isn't a new day, it's the same.

  47. Lesson Twenty-four

  48. Bad things are so good and easily to find.

  49. Lesson Twenty-five

  50. Seems the only time you're pure, is when you get born. Your senses are acting natural. Grow up and you will get programmed to be a machine for the government's pleasure.

  51. Lesson Twenty-six

  52. Whatever happens to you, it's not anyone's problem. Only when you serve their purpose.

  53. Lesson Twenty-seven

  54. Rejection is the greatest afrodisiacum.

I will add more when I feel like it.
Updated on 8th October 2005

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