
(Today I hate linguistics.)

I came to the conclusion that having a good morning means having a terrible evening. If it's a little bit bad from the beginning I don't have extreme mood swings. I can do without them, you know.

I found out yesteday that Equin0x had indeed answered me. I don't know how I was able to miss it. Although I haven't been observant for a long while (the more I think about things I've forgotten to do or simply haven't noticed to do the more I wonder what's wrong with me).
I scribbled something and later decided that whatever it was it is extremely stupid & whatever and got mad at myself. I blame the headache and lack of sleep and other things for this. It's a pain in the ass to be fickle.

Really, yesterday was probably the worst day I've had since my granny's funerals. I couldn't concentrate the whole day. I couldn't do anything but just sit and stare out of the window.
I couldn't care less.

We have 50 cm of snow once again, if someone's interested. It melted almost completely last week and now it's back. Gee, what a wonderful country this is.
My mum thinks that weather is an interesting subject to talk about.


I've done some serious thinking lately but I don't want to talk about it here. Why? Because I can't bother to type it. Yay me.
