I went to see
American beauty yesterday. It was wonderful to get out of the
house. Later I went to eat large amounts of paste. I meant to see
Two Witches and Medieval Art but the venue freaked me out and I
didn't really feel like going someplace with lots of drunken
So I ate a fancy dinner instead.
I don't know what to think about American Beauty. It was intelligent and beats Independence Day and all other American action movies easily but I don't know if I liked it or not. Yeah, it was weird, to some extent, and it was funny, even, but there's still something that bothers me about it. I think it lacked 'that something' that would have made me like it. It was dull, somehow. Not boring, but dull like a knife is dull. It didn't touch me. It didn't say anything. I didn't come out of the movie theatre thinking "wow, that sure was something". It surpises me because I've only come across good reviews of it. I would've thought it was more impressing. Because it lacked the impressing-factor. Also, I think it kinda lacked the interesting-factor. It was fun but I wouldn't go and see it for a second time. I probably wouldn't bother to see it on telly either.
So I didn't
really like it. It was nice, and stuff like that...
But that's only my opinion of course and anyway, lately I've
noticed I don't seem to like any movie however good it's supposed
to be.
Perhaps I just don't like movies in general.
i should go and study now.