I'm happy with the way my website looks right now :)
Really, I think it's really good. I'm very happy with the
contents as well.
I've liked the layout from the beginning. It feel like it's very
me and it's wondeful.
I also put something relatively interesting up there, not just my
usualy whining about things :)
It's cool to be happy with myself :)
Anyways, I have almost finished the invitaion to linguistics by Häkkinen,
K and I'm very happy about that as well. I can't remember how
many times I've read it already but it doesn't matter anymore
because at some point I realized I've learnt something from it :D
Now I'm confident that if I just read it and read it I will learn
it. I didn't think it was possible before.
Remember Equin0x? He answered me and I answered him and so on. I
realized how much I actually miss human contact. So I'm happy
about that, as well.
It doesn't really matter that he really pissed me off yesterday (for
not bothering to answer my questions, grrr) and now I just don't
care and keep rambling. I'm sure he won't answer the last mail,
particularly there wasn't anything you could answer to :)
Jesus, it's totally great to be pissed off. I should do it more :)
Anyways, I still have 15 pages to go so I won't finish the
linguistics today but I'll continue reading it anyway.
It's been a beautiful sunny morning.
You know, I'm actually tired. Finally.
I went to sauna today and there I begun to think what I'd say in
the interview for the translation in Kouvola (later to transfer
to Helsinki) and I begun to wonder. I think that perhaps I should
put the translation first on the list of subjects in Hki. Perhaps
I'd like it better.
I could always study and (would need to study anyway) linguistics.
I don't think I'll be getting there because I don't know if I can
do the interview without screwing up and I don't know if I'm good
enough. But i could and perhaps i should try it that way. I'd
have a profession of somekind afterwards and i wouldn't have to
worry so much about what i will do after the studying is over and
I wouldn't have to be so afraid of being placed in a position
where i can't advance without (too much) public speaking. I don't
know though.
I don't know if i want to do what my every instinct tells me to
do. I don't trust my instincs, they make my life more than
Anyway. That's something to think of.