I'm going to revamp my site again.
I realized yesterday that I've missed talking to people. I should
do that more often.
I even planned putting a personal ad somewhere or answering to
one of them. I could really use the interaction.
This whole week has been terrible regarding my concentration. I
also realized i've already made notes of karhunkieli and i
certainly don't want to do it again. Except that i did. For whole
thirty pages.
I should continue studying but i don't want to. I don't feel up
to it.
I've completely forgotten to study french lately.
It's snowing once again.
We didn't get the paper today for some reason.
Perhaps i could go to eat something.
Or then i could redo my page. It's not finished yet.
The eating would no doubt be more useful.
So i think i'll redo my page for a while and then go eat. Then i
think i'll consider studying some more.
I really need to study.
I hate this.