
And here I am, playing with html just because i don't want to do anything else. Because it's the easiest thing to do that i can somehow justify to myself. But not very well.
I was even completely happy with the last design i had. I don't think i'll change anything that's online because i'm not happy with what i just spent hours doing. And i spent hours doing that because i didn't want to do anything else. I still don't want to do anything.
I read some of ash today. Ash is famous once again, funny how they make such a big deal out of suicides. Oh well.
I haven't had enough chocolate today and it makes me annoyed. Chances are i won't get enought chocolate tomorrow either.
Because i don't think i'll be feeling like going shopping. But you never know.
I should study more than i'm studying currently. I'm avoiding it. it's easier that way. I'll never get to university that way but somehow it's not that important to me. If it was i'd be studying instead of writing this.
I'm sick and tired of living.
I wrote some more stuff for my page and decided to keep the old design. I really like it. Now I really should go to bed. It's only that I don't want to.
I wish i could somehow just stop existing.

I think I should find people to whom I could talk to.
