
I just spent two hours browsing webrings. I thought I'd join a few. I have exactly 19 to choose from. I checked all the alternative ones that seemed even remotely interesting. There was one criterion, no 'elite' rings.

Also, no rings that required something. I mean, fine, you want cool sites for your ring but still. There's a million ring-owners who go 'oh-you-must-be-so-cool-and-just-the-way-I-want-you-to-to-be-accepted'. It's not like I want to join a ring where the owner has to like each and everyone of the participants. And where the page must have 'original' content. You wouldn't believe it. All the same blah-blah on every requirements page. 'You must be original'. Jesus, I would've thought the owners have to be original too to require originality from others. Ugh.

So I have a bunch of possible rings. One (homophobia sucks) I'll definetely join, I don't know about the others yet. It's a bit funny thinking of joining webrings. It's not like I want traffic. For some reason I've been considering it though. To be more available, perhaps.

Anyway, I want a webring without any special qualifications. The elite-rings are so annoying. I have no reason to (try to) join a ring who would have to review me. It's not like they're so much better and so much more interesting than me. Maybe they are better with html, so what? Maybe they bother to edit what they write. But still. I'd only join a webring if I like it. And the attitude 'this is my webring and I'll do anything I want with it' is just not my cup of tea.
(And anyway, what's the difference between a clique and a webring? I'm getting behind my time…)

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Ha! I love my 'puter :) I had to re-install outlook but now it works again :) Now I can finally get my newsgroups again *joy*
I hate the program though, this isn't the first time it doesn't work properly. I have one piece of freeware in mind but unfortunately I can't remember what it's called. Now my outlook is in english. Yuck. I prefer my computer in Finnish, thank you. But it works, nevertheless. But just wait till I get another program…

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I feel so plain. I got my e-mail working again and while I was waiting to download the newsgroup messages I happened to read a few of them and I happened to follow a few of their links. And god, I ended up on Luna and Solar designs and later on Trystan's page. And how I drooled. I haven't seen anything as pretty as I saw on both sites for a long time. I haven't even read a.g.f. for months and I feel that my eyes haven't seen enough of pretty things as of late. I need beauty, it's like honey to my eyes. I feel so much better after seeing beautiful things. I want to get beautiful clothes and I definetely am going to start reading agf again.

I'm going to Hki tomorrow. It's nice to get away for a while. We're supposed to check my sister's new appartment out and wish her a happy birthday or whatever.
I've also promised myself to finally go and buy an issue of
Prospective and if possible, some new clothes (or cd, depending on what I can find). There's one goth shop I'd like to visit but it's too scary. And anyway, according to their on-line catalogue, they're way over-prized. But I'm hoping to have some okayish time tomorrow. It's been a long time since I last was there.

Now I should probably go to sleep :)
