
There's only two days left to apply for the jobs. There's no possibility I'll do that anymore. Only two days. I will never get to town, even, in two days. I've meant to go there for a week, already. I should've applied, I should've returned something to the employment office, I shoud've bought myself a few long-sleeves t-shirts for the summer. But I never got that far. And I doubt I never will. I live a mile from the town center (this is a very small town). Think of that.

I know I should, but right now I don't even have the stregth to study properly.

I wish I could just (give up and) go to the doctor, say I'm not alright and get on -what's it called?- disability. I don't think I would get on it, actually. But just going to the doc would be helpful, he'd sort me out. Or not. But it's twice as hard to go see him than stay like this. If I fail the exams again, at least i won't have to go and do anything. Or I do, actually, but there's no reason to worry about it right now.
I wish I was alright. I'm doing practically nothing proper to make myself alright but I can always hope that one morning everything will be completely different. I know it won't but… I just don't want to. I'm tired, I don't care, it doesn't matter. I'd much rather die than be alright because I don't believe in alright. There's no such thing.

No chance of being alright, ever. Perhaps I'm too negative, surely I am. I hope I am. That way I won't be let down, at least.
My mother told me I should clean more now that I have the time. Yes, I do have time, compared to their time, but having this much time isn't enough to study ten pages of linguistics a day, let alone do anything else. I may have the time but I don't have the energy. Who'd believe cleaning one kitchen table can be so straining? (No one. That's why they think I'm just being lazy. That's why I think I'm pretending.)

There's no energy to figure out how to kill myself. If I tried now, I'd fail. I can't think straight. Perhaps it'd change something if I tried and failed and they found out about it. I don't think so though. There'd just be the guilt. And the shrink, perhaps. And nothing would really change. Because there's nothing that could change.
No, I'm just not hoping I'd make it happen by saying it won't, to surprise myself. No, it's not about that. Not anymore. I'm tired of hoping, tired of being, tired of everything.

- - -

I think I should send Dew an e-mail. Just… to be polite ro something. I feel quite weird because she doesn't know me. You know, introduce myself. I'm hesitant, though. E-mails are evil. I'd want to, in a way, and I guess it can't do any harm. Although I am not that convinced that it won't do any harm.

Grrr. Insecurities are annoying.

I don't know, right now. Perhaps I will, perhaps not. I have to think of it more. I could. And perhaps I should, even. I don't know. I'm not really sure what the netiquette says about these sort of things. I'm sure no one else has any idea either. Internet is so different from anything else. And I have no manners anyway.

- - -

I have an urge to delete everything. My page's useless. Of course it's more like a therapy type of thing but I can't stop thinking how much it takes space and bandwidth and how… uh, it's like the whole internet was screwed because I have one fucked up page. 'cos everyone wants to have their own useless web space, like I do and then there's just so many people everywhere. And if I just went away maybe others would too and internet would be a half decent place.


I didn't e-mail Dew. I decided it wasn't necessary, and I'll avoid everything that's not necessary. Anyway, I should update my links because that's all my page's good for. There are better places, of course. Perhaps I should keep in mind how many utterly devastatingly terrible websites there are. And many of them are never updated. And many of them have absolutely no content. I'm looking for a better host, right now. I'm so sick of crosswinds's fucked up state. It never ever works and I'm starting to get really pissed off. I have a few considerable options but I haven't decided yet (and I certainly haven't checked everything out ). I just want a page people can look at every once in a while. But when I'm not willing to pay anything, it's kind of an useless quest. I'm aware of a few quite good domains but they're not open to everyone. The website would need to have some content. And my page doesn't exactly have content. My whining doesn't, IMHO, count as a proper content. And I have a boring life anyway. And I'd have to e-mail the people.
Oh, I hate my life. I'm so sick of getting so freaked out when I should do something.
