
Hello. It's Christmas Eve tonight, which means that we'll get presents and stuff. Christmas Eve is the big celebration in Finland, not tomorrow. I hate presents, and there's nothing I'd like to do less than eating, but I guess I have to adjust.

I've been painting a lot of angels lately. Someone discovered I liked painting, and the tasks came flooding in afterwards. I've been copying mostly postcards, and -surprisingly- people have liked what they got back. (I can't paint, at least not well enough to satisfy myself, my shapes are horrible and coloring is messy and careless.)

(Now I should probably explain where I've been for the past seven weeks. Erk.)
So I ended up in a situation where I either would die or fail to commit suicide in a way other people would notice it and finally do something about it. (My earlier attempts all went unnoticed and things never changed.) So I o.d.'d on some pills, passed out, forgot the damn plastic bag, and woke up a few hours later horribly nauseous. Then I got myself a taxi, and the rest is history (ie. they locked me up after I was released from the hospital).

It's been quite okay to be locked up. I'm on medication, and things don't look absolutely horrible anymore. I don't know when I'll be released (I'm on holiday right now), so updates will probably be few and arbitrary.
See you folks.






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