Have you seen my angel?

Have you seen my angel?
Her wing's broken, stranded on earth
this world is full of sharp edges
that cut mercilessly like a knife
her heart is too tender to survive
in this cold cruel world

Have you seen my angel?
She may seemed cold and indifferent
her frail soul trapped in unbreakable darkness
she may push you away when you come too close
but that's the moment she needs you the most
because her heart has been torn to shreds
too tired to trust, too afraid to hope
what you see will just be a facade
she won't show you her pain veiled beneath
as she knows it'll be in vain
everyone's wearing a mask
underneath the glamour and grace
underneath the kindness and compassion
is human nature rooted in selfishness, greed and lust
hellish fire fuelled by filthy soulless living deads
that'll burn her soul to dust

Have you seen my angel?
This ever-changing world of yours
her pure innocent heart could never keep up
because she's too simple you see
to deal with complicated things like people
dreams that never come true
promises that never fulfilled
feelings that never last
and always...always is a word blatantly overused
because always is always over way too fast

Have you seen my angel?
She has seen me for my foul self
but didn't find the need to turn away
wretched as I’m, I’d never find the love that I seek
but at least I know someone understands
this angel that I’m thankful to have met

Have you seen my angel?
I wish it's raining where she is now
let the rain washes away her pain
down the rivers to the ocean
where all the tears of angels flow
I wish I could take her with me
with wind beneath my wings
together sailing on dreams
lying on warm and soft bed of clouds
fill the void in her heart with love
end the pain and the darkness and the fears
but in case you found her to be happy on earth
please don't tell her I miss her so
if she has found someone she can love
I pray for her peace and happiness
just tell her the next time she gazes at the clouds
please don't forget to smile
and let me know everything's finally alright

Have you seen my angel?
I’m looking for my angel...